OCD Much?

Backstory: After three weeks of dating a guy who I thought was a somewhat shy cutie from the Midwest, I saw his apartment for the first time when I slept over one night.  Horror awaited. For your convenience, a sampling of apartment red flags that should signal your immediate and permanent departure.

The List:

-A plastic tub in the kitchen sink that he washes dishes in BEFORE running them through the dishwasher. When informed plastic absorbs more germs than stainless steel, the reply is “I don’t know, it’s what my mom does.”

– Tape on his shower knobs that mark their precise adjustment yielding his ideal water temp. Towels of all kinds are washed after ONE use.

– Plaid bedding.

– The glass of water you set down last night, but now on a coaster he got back up out of bed once you were asleep to put in place.

– Labeled shelves for cleaning products.


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