Cats or Dogs?


I had hooked up with this significantly older man a couple of times and was somewhat interested in him. The second time we hooked up we took the opportunity to go out to brunch together and get to know one another in the light of day. From my experience, this is often when things go…awry. During the course of the meal he said a fair number of weird things about his exes, views on relationships, etc. It was increasingly clear he wasn’t the guy for me, and then he dropped the weirdest comment. Walking down the block after lunch, I asked him if he liked cats or dogs better, to which he replied. “Cats only.” “Oh,” I said, “but don’t you think you could like dogs even though you’ve never lived with one?” “Absolutely not,” he replied coldly. “Why is that,” I inquired. “Because of feces.” UM, what?? He was absolutely serious. The comment was so intense and odd, I had to laugh and prodded him to explain. He went on to use several expletives to stutter out that it was just disgusting and foul and he would never engage with anything that brought him “near feces”. And, end of scene.


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