Shoe Trees


About a year ago, I was going through a particularly rough dry spell. I went to a concert, where I was introduced to a friend of a friend that was pretty cute. We danced all night, and decided to go out after the concert ended.

“Going out” turned into going back to his apartment, where we fandangled and I slept over. In the morning, half-dressed and a hot mess, I began to gather my things so I could bid farewell and be on my merry way. As I began rummaging around for my dress/belt/shoes, I began to notice that this man’s room was VERY clean. Now, I appreciate neatness, but this was straight up OCD material.

Then I saw the closet. His shirts were ordered by color, hanging perfectly on hangers from the dry cleaners, each piece of clothing perfectly pressed or folded. It kind of creeped out that a twenty-something could possible be so clean, I continued looking for my favorite belt. As I bent down to look under the bed, that’s when I saw it. Each pair of shoes he owned (including sneakers) were filled by SHOE TREES. You know, those things that expand and fill the shoe so it doesn’t get bent out of shape?

As I came out of my general confusion/still drunkenness, I realized I had to get the hell out of there, but not before he offered to make me eggs, which I politely refused, told him to call if he found my belt, and hurried out of the apartment back to my cozy, just-messy-enough apartment to get ready for brunch.

This is a photo that is similar to the one found in this story, but not the exact closet. Note that all of the shoes have shoe trees, everything is on wooden hangers, and there is a shoe shining kit to the left of the closet. Thanks to our loyal reader who submitted this photo!

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